mAadhaar App is the official Aadhaar application launched by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) in order to help Aadhaar holders carry their Aadhaar information in form of a soft copy, instead of carrying a physical copy all the time. The users can access all Aadhaar details which includes their registered phone number, name, address, gender, photograph, and other details on the smartphone whenever and wherever they want. The app is well protected by the security password that the users have to enter to open the app every time.
Important Things about mAadhaar app
- As of now, the app is only available on Android platform. UIDAI has not released for Apple’s iOS platform.
- Ensure to download the mAdhaar app on the same phone in which you have inserted the registered the SIM card.
- You should not navigate from mAdhaar app while you are waiting to receive the OTP because the app will automatically read the OTP once it is received.
- Users can use Aadhaar app only on one device.
How to install mAadhaar app on your phone
Follow the below mentioned steps to download and install the mAadhaar app to your phone:
- First of all, visit Google Play Store to download the app for free.
- Click on the Install button and give the required permissions to the app.
- Once the app is installed on your phone, you have to set a password for your app. Enter a password, with minimum of 8 character including 1 special character, 1 digit and 1 capital alphabet. Enter it again to confirm the password.
- This password must be entered whenever you login the app.
How to add your profile in mAadhaar app
Follow these simple steps to add your profile in mAadhaar:
- Open the mAadhaar app and enter your password to login.
- Select the “Create profile” option on the three dots on the upper right corner of the interface.
- You must enter your Aadhaar number. Or you can also choose to scan the barcode on the Aadhaar card instead of typing.
- Once you enter the number or scan the barcode, click on the Verify button, at the bottom of the screen. Don’t navigate away from the page for some time.
- If the details provided match, you will automatically receive the OTP on your registered mobile number. The OTP is automatically entered in the interface and there is no need for you to type it manually.
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